Modern locistics concepts


Modern logistics concepts foresee a great future for cargo traffic on the waterways in Rheinlandpfalz and Saarland, as well as for the system combining inland ports and inland water transport. Compared to traffic carriers on road and rail, inland water transport in Europe is the most eonomical mode of transportation. Especially in times of increasing shortage of raw materials and ricing energy prices, cargo traffic on the waterways of Rhine, Mosel and Saar gains in increasing importance. 

Inland waterway

Our ports

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Quality and environmental policy 

of Häfen Rheinland-Pfalz GmbH

The quality of our services as well as our technical know-how and innovative power substantially account for the success of the organization.

Performing our services, we aim to employ natural ressources in an environmentally sustainable and optimate way. Environmental stress caused by our activities is to be kept as low as possible.

The implementation of our quality and environmental goals set is monitored in regular internal audits. Our suppliers are chosen regarding their performance referring to quality and environmental standards.

Our goal is the continuous improvement of our processes and services in consideration of the requirements as well as of customer and employee satisfaction.

The quality and environmental awareness of our employess is specifically imparted and supported by internal communication, regular trainings, advanced training courses and on-the-job-training.

Working as a port operator means to us to fulfill economical, qualitative and sustainable criteria. We react to the needs of our customers and partners with commitment, reliability, flexibility and innovative capacity.

For the implementation of contracted customer requirements, planning, execution, monitoring and improvement of all quality and environmentally relevant actions, as well as for the improvement of the customer satisfaction, our company has introduced an integrated management system according to DIN EN ISO 9001 and 14001 which is practiced all over the corporation.

We enrol ourselves to comply with legal regulations in force and requirements.

The company policy is regularly under examination regarding adequacy and is communicated to the employees. 

Alexander Voigt, Director

Management system according to 
DIN EN ISO 9001 and 14001